
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Never Confuse a Single Defeat with a Final Defeat

I blinked and all of a sudden Thanksgiving break was over.
I got to see Nathanael and my family basically every day. I forgot all interests of homework until Sunday, ate enough for 15 whole people, and showed the world how to shop.
I had never looked forward to Thanksgiving as much as I did last Tuesday. I got to leave after my lab simulation and enjoyed an extra night at home. 
Coincidentally my sisters half day of school on Wednesday got cancelled and we spent the day at home together. 
I also got to have coffee with Lyss, Dev, and Kayt. There could never be enough time to talk and catch up. 

I spent Thanksgiving in Waupun and then decided to round up the troops and go out Black Friday shopping. Thursday at 8 we hopped in Grams van and dropped Bec and Lyss off at Walmart to get in line for Mark and Anj's 60 inch TV for their newly finished basement. The boys and I braved Sears for some tools and Nathanael bought a tool chest. It was an interesting ride home with two huge tool box pieces and a TV in the back of the van with 5 people squished into the front and one middle seat, poor Dave had to sit on the floor.
I missed seeing my family in Oostburg and the jokes that come outta Grandma Schaap's mouth. I was happy to receive a call from Avery saying "Hi Danielle, I'm thankful for you!" 
I'll see all you Hoffmanns at Christmas!

Friday morning was the annual grandgirls and Gram go to the mall day. I woke up at 6 and suddenly found myself making coffee in Gram's kitchen with my towel on, then I remembered I was in town and normal people wear clothes. After finally waking up and getting to Appleton the deals were flowing. I think all of us spent a little more than we anticipated but I'm an anxiously awaiting Christmas Eve at Gramps and Grams to open my gifts that I will be surprised to get. : )

As I got back to school on Sunday I realized the road ahead of me, it's going to be a lot of work to finish out the semester. However, a round of 'lasts' is starting already. I'm finished with Health Assessment lab and lecture and clinical! (PS-I have no clinical or lab on my birthday next Wednesday so feel free to come visit me :) 

Next week brings my final health assessment validation, final therapeutics validation, and final medsurg exam. I already had my first nightmare that I didn't bring a note card to final validation and started crying because I knew I would fail, thank goodness that was just in my sleep. I've had a lot of defeats this semester, along with a lot of successes, there is no finality in what I've done yet but I'm already studying for my finals and Lord willing that will go a long ways!

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