
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back to Blogger

I finally found a computer! Or finally just found the time and efforts to sit down and spend time on one. Summer doesn't require I check my various emails, favorite blogs, deal sites, or facebook. So I don't. Which also allows my blog to suffer and lack new posts.
The most exciting things are happening outside of this little computer screen, and I intend to spend little time on here to in order to maximize the fun beyond what I'm typing.

I've started a new job. My first shift went terrible, but when I worked yesterday I felt confident, like I already know how to do things better than a few people working there.
I do know that I will NOT be a CNA the rest of my life. This is hopefully my last summer ever having to do that as I'll be able to do an externship next summer and can start doing more serious things, less poo-ey get the idea.

We reclaimed the cottage. Boat lifts and boats are all in after many trials and tribulations. Yesterday we even endured a storm as we were tubing and swimming in sub zero temperatures...or just severe cold. You'll have to ask in person if you really want to inquire about the experience of being stranded in the middle of a big lake with 10 people on a little boat- a blue boyfriend figure, one crying kid, a singing girl, some panickers, and a few ticked off people.
My cousins graduated.
Joeli and Alyssa walked across the stage last Friday and received their diplomas. Got knowledge? Check.
I'm so excited for Lyss to start hair school in 2 weeks. That Glamour girl will have me stylin in no time-hopefully before the summer is done! She is the perfect combo of spunk, hard work, and chat, which will result in a good cosmetologist.
Jo gets to join me and all fellow Trolls at Trin next fall. As Ben leaves Trin, I'm so glad another cousin is on the way to experience Trinity. Even if we only see each other in the BBC a few times a week, that family tie is very special to me. Also, I will love having another travel buddy to accompany me back to Wisconsin whenever we please.

Nathanael is alive. After retaking his finance exam together and passing with an extra percent, he is breathing and back to work. He is a lotta bummed that he can't participate in a lot of the fun we have at the lake due to his recovering neck, he is glad to be filling his days at work and earning some HEFTY checks. It's pure joy that I can drive to see him in 10 short minutes, we both definitely take advantage of that in the summer.
Other than that, he's a cool guy, I like him.

My room is clean...ish. After a day of rearranging, I've managed to hang up all my clothes and scrubs and tuck away most of my dorm life to one side of my room.

I like my friends. The perfect combination of funny and serious as we endured Insidious a few weeks ago, and simplicity with laughter when we sit by the fire, eat, play ping pong or just hang out.

My dad is turning 50. People, that is getting up there in age! Wish him a happy birthday on June 1 if you see that old fella.

If you haven't gathered, I am enjoying my summer to a great extent.

1 comment:

  1. Smittania. You're writing brings so much peace to my soul. Keep it up, please.
