
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back to Blogger

I finally found a computer! Or finally just found the time and efforts to sit down and spend time on one. Summer doesn't require I check my various emails, favorite blogs, deal sites, or facebook. So I don't. Which also allows my blog to suffer and lack new posts.
The most exciting things are happening outside of this little computer screen, and I intend to spend little time on here to in order to maximize the fun beyond what I'm typing.

I've started a new job. My first shift went terrible, but when I worked yesterday I felt confident, like I already know how to do things better than a few people working there.
I do know that I will NOT be a CNA the rest of my life. This is hopefully my last summer ever having to do that as I'll be able to do an externship next summer and can start doing more serious things, less poo-ey get the idea.

We reclaimed the cottage. Boat lifts and boats are all in after many trials and tribulations. Yesterday we even endured a storm as we were tubing and swimming in sub zero temperatures...or just severe cold. You'll have to ask in person if you really want to inquire about the experience of being stranded in the middle of a big lake with 10 people on a little boat- a blue boyfriend figure, one crying kid, a singing girl, some panickers, and a few ticked off people.
My cousins graduated.
Joeli and Alyssa walked across the stage last Friday and received their diplomas. Got knowledge? Check.
I'm so excited for Lyss to start hair school in 2 weeks. That Glamour girl will have me stylin in no time-hopefully before the summer is done! She is the perfect combo of spunk, hard work, and chat, which will result in a good cosmetologist.
Jo gets to join me and all fellow Trolls at Trin next fall. As Ben leaves Trin, I'm so glad another cousin is on the way to experience Trinity. Even if we only see each other in the BBC a few times a week, that family tie is very special to me. Also, I will love having another travel buddy to accompany me back to Wisconsin whenever we please.

Nathanael is alive. After retaking his finance exam together and passing with an extra percent, he is breathing and back to work. He is a lotta bummed that he can't participate in a lot of the fun we have at the lake due to his recovering neck, he is glad to be filling his days at work and earning some HEFTY checks. It's pure joy that I can drive to see him in 10 short minutes, we both definitely take advantage of that in the summer.
Other than that, he's a cool guy, I like him.

My room is clean...ish. After a day of rearranging, I've managed to hang up all my clothes and scrubs and tuck away most of my dorm life to one side of my room.

I like my friends. The perfect combination of funny and serious as we endured Insidious a few weeks ago, and simplicity with laughter when we sit by the fire, eat, play ping pong or just hang out.

My dad is turning 50. People, that is getting up there in age! Wish him a happy birthday on June 1 if you see that old fella.

If you haven't gathered, I am enjoying my summer to a great extent.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hello all, I promise I'm still alive! I often would return to Trinity saying I sleep more at school than I do at home. All I can say is amen to that! While others may imagine college students basking away in the free time of summer that is not my case. Here's a little list of what I've been up to:

-wedding bells!

the first weekend home I celebrated with Nathanael's newlywed brother and sister-in-law
-talks with lyssa
-early mornings!
-babysitting L &A, this keeps you on your toes.
-work at MRH, the elderly never cease to make me happy
-a new job- starting at BDCH's Hillside Manor! PTL! :)
-teasing my sisters
-barely speaking to David in the mornings because we are both too tired to be up around 5am
-being 10 mins from Nathanael

i live for days like this.

Things I have yet to do:
-unpack, seriously the worst thing of my life. it's like all my belongings have to fit into a corner of my room until they get to be released next year.
-get stuff done for my new job
-sleep more than 7 hours at a time
-upload my pictures to FB
-eat a breakfast that consists of more than a granola bar

I have to work the 5-1 tomorrow, meaning an alarm set for 4am. I think I'll eat some supper, attempt to clean up my bedroom floor, and hit the hay.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Almost There

Today I took my two hardest exams. When I looked at the exam schedule initially, I saw that Microbiology and Anatomy were on the same day. I knew right then that the only breaks I would be taking were to stop studying one science and study the other until I could hop back into the first. That definitely proved to be true. Yesterday my tummy hurt from all the coffee I had to drink to maintain wakefulness and all the stress that was on my shoulders. I couldn't even sleep last night because pathogens and viruses kept invading my head. Thankfully I got a full 3 hours eventually!

The past week I made note cards, jotted down bacteria, remembered viruses and vocab words, took quizzes, summarized and whatnot for these two finals. Yesterday I asked you to guess how many pages in my notebook were for this Micro test.

Here's your answer, 30.

Not to mention an abundance of flash cards to help me remember all those diseases!

Well, now that it's all over I'll take a break from my cleaning duties and tell you about the end of these two classes.

Microbiology- Dr. Carlson
This class was incredibly difficult. The material was very interesting and I enjoyed learning about the microbes of the body. I would have enjoyed this class a lot more if I knew that the upcoming test I would be given wouldn't be so hard. Dr. Carlson is a cool guy-mostly because he's from Wisconsin and appreciates the farmers and Badgers in that great state. He is also overjoyed with Biology, something really cool to see. I hope I can be as passionate about my job someday. Some things I will remember forever from this class are:
  • lactobacillus
  • we should fall to our knees and praise God for little bitty things working inside of us to make us so fearfully and wonderfully made

Anatomy and Physiology- Dr. Boomsma
You may remember that this semester started out with a different prof for this class. I am so thankful to have had Dr. Boomsma come back to teach us the second semester of Anatomy. This semester of Anatomy was a lot harder than the previous semester. One thing I can tell you about this class is that there are SO many hormones. The semester started and ended with hormones. Hormones that deal with pregnancy, growth, maturation, this, that, everything, nothing, so.many.hormones. The final was pretty hard, mostly because of an abundance of hormones.

Pretty soon my Mom and Dad will be here to pick up a bunch of stuff for me, not everything could fit in the black beaut Toyota. I only have one exam tomorrow and then I will be on my way back home!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Half Off

Last semester my friend Victoria had the clever idea of briefly summarizing each class as it came to a close with a final exam. I thought I'd do the same to clear my mind of those credits and get ready to  move on! Today I had three exams, so I got half of my finals done in one day!

Math 151, Statistics- Dr. Klanderman
I'm not a math fan, especially not at 8am. I don't think I learned anything in this class that will especially carry into my nursing practice. Like education majors have to take math for teachers, I think nurses should take math for nurses which would incorporate conversions and what not. I was glad to have Kirsten in this class to help me out. She is a math whiz and helped me study before every exam. Sometimes we even did our homework in class the morning it was due. : )

Honors 333, Psych: Contemplation, Meditation, Yoga- Dr. Colosimo
This class brought together a variety of majors. I probably never would have class with Church and Ministry majors or business majors if not for this class. Dr. Colosimo is one of my favorite professors at Trinity and she brings sophistication, class, and wisdom to each and every interaction. We got to do yoga every time we met for class-something I really enjoyed. Though this class didn't require a lot of work, I am so appreciative of a class that allowed me to breathe. With 19 credits I was always studying, and this class allowed for a break from that. I'm glad my presentation is over, but I will miss the friendships I made in this class.

Psych 352: Behavioral Pharmacology- Dr. Hassert
This was my first class with Dr. Hassert, he is an interesting man. And this class would have been a lot more interesting if I hadn't taken chemistry or any of my biology classes. I already had the fundamentals of what he was teaching us about so the drugs and their effects weren't too exciting. Not to mention, this was a night class, being cooped up at night wasn't my favorite feature. I had to take this class to get going on my Psychology minor, so I'm glad it was an easy class to cross off on that checklist. The nicest feature about this class was a take-home final, so this afternoon I just had to hand in a scantron sheet to be graded.

Tomorrow are my hardest exams. The sciences. Micro and Anatomy. I dare you to guess how many pages of Micro I have written already. Come back tomorrow to see the answer!

I must get back to studying!