
Thursday, December 15, 2011

There's Something About This Place

Finally here, finally home.
Finished my nursing concepts exam in a half hour, sold some textbooks, finally found my car after wandering in the BBC-then realizing I parked in the chap, driving home, talking to Gram, and picking up my sister and 'sister' from basketball practice, and now I'm anxiously checking my final grades, in all of  the happiness of my home.

A few girls were talking about the little things that we look forward to when we return to our roots, families, and our own hometowns. Some look forward to warmth or stars, I enjoy the open space and fresh air that I get when I come back to Markesan, Wisconsin. Love my rural community.
This is the only picture of my 'home' that I have on my computer.

This break I am looking forward to a few things:
1) Cancun, Mexico, with 22 other members of my family.
2) Snow-snowmobiling, sledding, ice skating and all the other joys that come with snow.
3) Final Season Premiere of One Tree Hill-I've realllly missed it!
4) Shopping :)
5) Working at Markesan Resident Home again-WAYYY looking forward to catching up with my favorite residents
6) Seeing family in/from Oostburg and celebrating the birth of Christ with them
7) The church Christmas program (with bags full of fruit, candy, and peanuts after) as well as the Candlight Service at church.
8) Chats with Grandma Smits (already got one in! lucky me!)
8) Nathanael-I really miss this kid...

.....he needs to come over soon.

There's something about this place that makes me feel's love.

1 comment:

  1. Smittania,

    Your writing voice is so much more confident and developed than your speaking voice. I mean that in the most complimentary of terms. Have you ever done or thought about doing some sort of creative writing like poetry, vignettes, or short stories? I think you would excel.
